MiCare project results
The project objectives have been achieved!
Two years and a half after the launched of Micare project, the consortium is proud to present the 5 MiCare tools to support professional and social integration of migrants women working as professional in carers for older people.
- Benchmarking report: 25 good practices identified in terms of integration support and training for migrants.
- Competence framework: 5 competences areas detailing the skills and competences required to work with older people.
- Assessment tool: an online tool designed to assess previous experience and skills, to identify training needs and individualized training paths.
- Training toolkit: 5 training modules in a blended format tailored to the needs of migrants. Special attention was given to cultural aspects, national language, communication, and interpersonal skills.
- Guidelines: 1 practical guide to use the tools and results designed in the project, intended for guidance and training professionals.
… and even more !
The partners are finalizing a last document, a position paper targeting institutional and local stakeholders. Objective : raising awareness on the MiCare topics and spreading the word on the project results in the partners’ network.
MiCare project website
The project website is currently under adjustment to better fit the needs of the final MiCare material. It will be available in all partner languages at the end of July 2023. You will find all the related material, in free access, downloadable, available in all partner languages for most of it, as well as general information about the project developments. You can still have a look at the current English version !
MiCare final conference
The partners of the MiCare project had the opportunity to share the project results as well as lessons learnt of the pilot phase during the final conference of the project held the 19th of June in Paris.
Other topics as demographic trends in Europe and the professional and social integration of migrants from an European and national perspectives were discussed thanks to the participation of French and foreign speakers, as well as the French Erasmus+ Agency, main funder of the MiCare project.
The highlight of the final conference was the ceremony organized to deliver the certificates of participation to a group of trainees involved in the pilot phases in France. It was important for the partners to acknowledge their commitment and thank them for their efforts. Time to celebrate !
Last transnational meeting
After the final conference, it was time for the to gather for one last session.
The last transnational meeting took place in Paris on the 20th of June. The consortium discussed about the final elements of the project as well as transversal topics like sustainability, dissemination and impact. The partners shared their views and positive out the MiCare project. It was great team work.
Two thesis of Finland students focused on MiCare project results
A group of students of the University of Applied Sciences in Finland organized two research works and published a thesis related to the MiCare topics. One of the thesis focuses on Intercultural communication in the care sector, the other one consists in an analysis of interviews with migrant people organized during the MiCare pilot phase.
They will be available on the MiCare project website.
So… what’s next ?
A new European project, MiCare+, was submitted by the partners during the Erasmus + call for proposals on March 2023. It is intended as a continuation and deepening of the MiCare results and network.
The project ambitions to create inclusive educational pathways for carers and future carers working with older people with 2 different approaches : a collective support in combination with individual guidance. It will be based on gamified tools and the adaptation of a French initiative, called Relai Asssistant de Vie. It particularly relies on a local and bottom up approach.
The project ambitions to broaden the scope of MiCare and targets migrants (men and women), as well as long-term job seekers and other people with disadvantaged background.
The results of the call will be published on the 27th of July.
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